Vardhman Academy, Radha Garden, Meerut is thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievement of our talented student, Divanshu Singh of Class 11th (Science), who has brought home a Gold Medal in the International Karate Championship held in Ahmedabad, Gujarat!
Competing in the Senior Boys Category, 70 kg weight class, and Under-19 age group, Divanshu showcased exceptional skill, discipline, and determination to secure the top spot in this prestigious event. The championship, organized by the ISKU Karate Organization, took place at the Transdedia Stadium on 28th-29th December 2024.
This remarkable victory contributed to India’s first-place finish in the competition, making it an even prouder moment for all of us.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Divanshu Singh for making Vardhman Academy and the nation proud. Your hard work and dedication inspire us all to push our limits and strive for excellence!