“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
Vardhman Academy, Radha Garden observed the "World Press Freedom Day" on 3rdMay 2024. The Department of English organized a debate competition to pay tributes to the journalists all around the world.
Students of class 10th participated in it. It was started by, stating the theme and historical background of World Press Day. The theme of the day this year was "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis".
Both teams presented their views in favour and against the topic: freedom of the press is a threat or not. The debate proved to be a battle of wits as the students expressed
themselves prodigiously, presenting their perspectives.
At the end of the competition, jury members gave some tips to the students and explained the purpose of World Press Day. Team B won the competition.
The competition was quite enriching for both the participants and the audience, as they got a platform to express their perspectives on the topic, and at the same time, also deepened their knowledge with the insights shared by the respected judges.